how to clean a mirror - clena mirror without streaks

How to Clean a Mirror – Clean Mirror Without Streaks

Are you tired of having a mirror worse off after you try to clean it? Well, getting a streak-free mirror is easier than you might think. The main trick to have a squeaky clean mirror is what you’ll be using to wipe down the mirror.

Using a microfiber cloth is what will help you to achieve the perfect streak-free mirror.

Now when it comes to a cleaning solution. Any glass cleaner will do the trick; one popular mirror cleaner is a mixture of one part vinegar to one part water.

When spraying on your favorite glass cleaner, I like to spray it on thoroughly but not too much. You don’t want to spray so much that most of the solution is dripping down the mirror.

Depending on the size and shape of your mirror, you might find it easier to use a side to side motion of wiping if your mirror is small. But if you have a larger mirror, then you could make a circular motion or change the motion of wiping top to bottom instead of side to side.

I usually like to wipe my master bathroom mirror from top to bottom. While in the kid’s bathroom, I prefer to wipe the mirror side to side.

So, you’re welcome to change the direction of how to clean your mirror. I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong way of wiping the mirror. Either way, the main goal is to wipe it clean without leaving any streaks behind.

If your cloth is getting damp while wiping, try folding the microfiber cloth in half or flipping the cloth over to the drier side.

Wiping the mirror with a drier side of the cloth will help get the cleaner solution of your mirror, which in result will leave you with a streak-free mirror.

There you go, on average it takes me about a minute to clean the mirrors. The biggest tip for a streak-free mirror is to use a dry microfiber cloth. Microfiber cloths that are made for glass/mirrors might be a better solution to make sure you’re not scratching the mirror.

Thank you for stopping by and have a good day!

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